Sunday, March 13, 2005


i used to agree with the saying "only boring people get bored." over the course of my years, i've probably even said it to other people. i've always been the kind of person who could entertain myself. i have a wild imagination, and it's been known to overtake my thinking from time to time. but recently, it seems i've lost the art of entertaining myself. or maybe it's just that i've been doing nothing for so long, it all seems the same. over the last couple weeks, i've been feeling pretty bored. i'm an extravert. i love being around people. i like doing something, even if it's just getting in my car and driving around aimlessly. i'm a hands-on kind of person. i have to be doing something. when i'm not, life's boring. i'm really ready for some type of adventure...something great. everything right now seems old...blogging, movies, tv, driving, it all seems boring and unsatisfying. i begged my brother for an hour to play a board game with me today, instead he went in his room and watched a cops marathon. anyone up for a game of scene it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i totally wish i was there to play a game of scene it and not studying for a history midterm... although the company is not that bad...