Wednesday, September 01, 2004

opening credits?

yeah, so those of you who are giving me a hard time about not posting a blog for a couple days, get over it! my life isn't that exciting anyway. i mean seriously...i'm a lazy piece of crap who does nothing interesting.
i didn't do anything productive today. tomorrow i plan on calling some places in nashville about jobs. i did go to my dad's and hang out with him, cooked him some dinner (a peanut butter sandwich) and watched a movie with him. which brings me to the question of the day..."which movie has the best opening credits?" as of right now, my answer is catch me if you can. that's the movie my dad and i watched tonight. there were so many things i noticed as i watched it tonight that i hadn't really noticed before. i remember when i saw it in the theater telling sara and julie that i thought that the credits were awesome. movie credits aside though. stephen speilberg does an amazing thing with this movie. he's all about telling about the characters. he makes us so interested in the people, and that's why we keep our eyes glued to the screen for 121 minutes. we want to know these people...we care about them. the cast truly bring these characters to life. i can't think of anyone who could have played frank abagnale any better than leo dicaprio. this is definitely the best role he's ever played. christopher walken was amazing and he did an extraordinary job playing frank's dad. the emotions that are captured make this film great. it's a brilliant drama, with the mystery tied into it, but it has a hint of comedy for those in the audience who feel it's too dramatic. i'd never really noticed the tone of the movie being as 60s-ish as i noticed it to be tonight...not just the period sense of the movie, but the soundtrack as well...brilliance. that's all i have to say. i forgot how amazing this movie is. and tom of my favorite actors anyway. if you haven't seen it, GO, NOW!

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