Friday, June 25, 2004

one crazy week

this was a crazy week! praise the Lord above that it's over. these kids were so different than any previous group i've ever seen. there were so many problems this week, but God is bigger than all that and he proves himself faithful in so many ways. there were so many crazy things that happened this week, but at the same time, there were so many amazing things. there were a lot of professions of faith this week from campers...i think so many of them came with major problems and other random things going on. it seemed like this week, there was so much investing to do, and not near enough time. i feel like i didn't get to know my track group very well because of doubling up in bible study and during MTET time. hopefully it was a great experience for all of them anyway. sometimes it's weird how God uses us in ways we don't even realize. there was a girl in my group who was incredibly quiet all week long and on the last day of bible study, she walks up and hands me this note saying that she had learned so much from me in bible study over the week and that she had a great time on site getting to know the kids. amazing how God is using me to touch the lives of people and i don't even realize. continue to pray for me for strength and wisdom. pray for a sense of direction for the end of the summer and what it brings for me.
i want to know if anyone reads this anymore, so leave me a comment if you keep up with me through this crazy blog. it might just be a waste of time. who knows.

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