so today at work, lacy and i were sitting at lunch and she told me that in her psychology class she learned that people who have a tendency to procrastinate have major problems. she said the reason they put things off isn't because they're lazy, but rather because they are trying to delay stress. so i told her that i found that to be funny because i am definitely a procrastinator! so after lunch i went back and was thinking about it and realized that it's a bigger problem than i thought. not only do i put things off til the last minute, but i realized recently that i do hate to make plans far in advance. but today when i was thinking about it, it hit me...i hate to make plans in advance because if something else better comes along, then i'm stuck with plans i don't really want to do. so that would add stress to my life. therefore i think i really do procrastinate to avoid stress. hmmm...just an interesting thought.
i bought
FRIENDS SEASON 7!!!!! so i'm really excited about it. watching it makes me really want to go to new york. will happen!
today's question of the day: "who is your favorite tv character?"
my answer...

zack morris