Tuesday, April 20, 2004

okay, so my post earlier about not being a touchy person stirred up some emotions with someone. i don't want them to stop hugging me. i was just venting about certain people and the things they do that annoy me. this person, i will let remain anonymous, but it's only because i love them! so for them, i guess i need to clear this up. for the most part, i'm not a "touchy" person. i'm actually not even close. after taking the love languages test a few years ago, it was confirmed that i am 100%, as much as a person can possibly be...quality time. i'm all about some quality time. hang out with me, show me that you love me. that should be my motto. the first time i took the test i was like 13 possible out of 13 for quality time, while i was only 3 physical touch. the last time i took it (which was last semester) i was only 1 physical touch. how does a person loose the need for physical touch? i'm not quite sure. in order to clear things up a little...i am "touchy" with some people, while others i'm not. i'm sitting here thinking about it and it's not that i like some people more, but i think it has to do with the comfort level i'm at with that person. hmmm...maybe not. because there are people i've known for a long time and that i'm close with that i don't hug regularly when i see them. i can think of specific people who i see regularly, that i absolutely adore that i don't hug. but i can think of a bunch of people i don't know well or see often that i hug every time i see them. i'm exteremly affectionate with my family though, but my closest friends, not so much. now i'm even more confused about this whole hugging thing. i think it's a phenomenon that i just can't figure out tonight. i honestly have no idea. but if you are a person who hugs me, don't stop...maybe i can develop a new found love for the physical touch.

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