Sunday, July 20, 2008

The beauty of languages all worshiping one God

Church this morning was amazing. To think that we were worshiping in an unfinished church where people were coming together to praise God was pretty neat. People who speak different languages, who come from different backgrounds, different countries...but everyone had a common bond in Christ. To hear the gospel being preaches in English, Spanish, French, and Creole was pretty amazing. All the languages come together to make a beautiful sound. How powerful that was!

While I'm still unsure of why God has brought me on this trip, I know that my life will be changed upon my return home. I remember the very first time I went to Cross Point when I was looking for a new church over two years ago, Pete was talking about an upcoming DR trip. I remember watching a video thinking how awesome it would be to be a part of something so eternal. I know sometimes I get so caught up in possessions and how much I have. I wanted to come on this trip and work and love on kids. But I feel like my life has been blessed with so much more. Just by hearing the stories of the people here. How churches and schools and feeding centers have been built. By seeing how God has been working through GO Ministries and the missionaries here. By being surrounded by people with barely any material possessions but are truly happy. For those kids to look up with huge grins on their faces just to have someone hold thier hand or pick them up and give them a hug.

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