Friday, September 09, 2005

quote of the day

this one is worth 500pts. to the first person who gets it right.

"You want to know the secret to surviving air travel? After you get where you're going, take off your shoes and your socks then walk around on the rug bare foot and make fists with your toes."

"Fists with your toes?"

"I know, it sounds crazy. Trust me, I've been doing it for nine years. Yessir, better than a shower and a hot cup of coffee."


Mike Lewis said...

Die Hard

Amy said...

big mike lewis, i'd already given myself the points because no one had guessed it yet. but since i never revealed the answer, i'll give you the 500 pts. congrats...

Tim said...

That was an easy one. Now that I know about your movie out!

Mike Lewis said...


I just now read the rules to this game...

My bizzad!

Amy said...

mike, no hard feelings, 'kay?