so i'm sitting here thinking about how long it's been since i've blogged. and i'm also sort of watching
supernanny. i really feel sorry for those parents on the show...but at the same time, i don't. i don't understand how they could possibly let their kids get that out of control. i mean, these parents don't discipline them at all...ever...for anything. i've only watched it a few times, but a few episodes ago, there was a 3 year old who would kick and hit his mom. it's just sooo bizarre to me. i really don't get it. and for them to need a "supernanny" to come in and teach them how to take back control over their kids. i can't believe how insane this show is.
this girl told my friend robyn that she looked like supernanny. at first i didn't think much about it, until i actually saw the show. then i had to agree that she did somewhat resemble jojo.

superanny, jo frost

my friend, robyn (not supernanny)
let me tell you, if i could pick a super power, it sure wouldn't be the super power of being a great nanny. i always thought that it'd be cool to fly. i know it's not very fact, i wish i could think of something cooler. so if you could chose, what super power would you want to possess?
just call me jo jo... i guess there are worse people i could resemble in the tv community... plus, she is pretty cool... i think i would go nuts if i were her... i saw the part where she was playing, by the way, and it made me happy... maybe i should quit my day job and be supernanny's sidekick! (not really... i don't think i'd do so well with those kids!!)
ha Robyn does have a great resemblance of supernanny....
I always thought I would want to fly to, but I remember somebody saying having the ability to blink and be somewhere else I dream of Jeanie yep that would be me.
It's a toss up between super powers. Either go without sleep - just think of all the stuff i could get done if I didn't have to sleep. Or the super power to catch all the fish in the lake.
Just an interesting fact on this question. A survey was taken using this question. 98% said to be invisible. Males wanted to be invisible for the purpose of going into places where they shouldn't to see ladies. Females wanted to be invisible for the purpose of shop lifting. Just thought that was interesting.
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