Sunday, August 22, 2004

dive on in

i was having this long talk with rich tonight. great times...such an encouragement. he's an old friend who used to work with me at the bagel shop. and it's so neat to see how God has worked in both of our lives over the past 5 or 6 years and how he's molded us into these people i could have never imagined us to be. he might possibly be able to help me find a job in nashvegas. so we'll see if God wants to use him and his contacts as a door for me to be where i'm suppose to be. he was so great. because before he even agreed to help me out, he wanted to listen to my heart about what i felt God was leading me to do. so many times, i think we are just willing to help people out without even realizing that they aren't seeking God in what they're trying to do with their life. so it was so neat to see that he genuinly cares about where it is God wants me and if it really is in nashville. how great it is to have a person like that on your side trying to help you out. he was saying that from what he gathered, God was getting ready to move big time. he was talking about experiences in his own life where he got restless and was preparing for something big and God totally came from left field to surprise him with something huge. we were talking about standing on a mountain top, right there, ready to dive in. just waiting for the opportunity and seizing it at the perfect time. it made me think of the theme video for camp. i am though...i'm ready. such an awesome visual image. so right now i'm still climbing to the top of my cliff...but i'm almost there and when i get to the top, i'm ready to DIVE on in.

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