today was a great day. and it's not even over yet! ashley w, amanda, and i went to see brooke in the hospital. she was having a good day and was able to talk really well and laugh with us. it was so good to be able to see her again. when we got there we found out that president ransdell was going to go up and present her with her bachelors degree in general studies. a bunch of people were petitioning to have her presented with an honorary degree at saturday's graduation, but she was so close to actually graduating, they went ahead and gave her a BA. it was really exciting. i know how much it means to her and her family that the goal she set for herself for a higher education has now been rewarded. sie brought her cap and gown up to her, they got her dressed, put her in a wheelchair and rolled her out to the lobby. there were about 25 people there for her "ceremony." she just started crying and it almost brought tears to my eyes. ransdell gave a speech and presented her with the diploma and she reached up and moved her tassel from the left to the right. she's a graduate! it's been a long time since i've seen anything so powerful. i mean, to see someone's dream come true, right in the middle of the hospital hallway and lobby area. to have everything she's worked for to be rewarded as one of her last amazing accomplishments. it brings chills up my spine. what an amazing testament she is to the work God has done in her life.

president ransdell presenting brooke with her diploma