Saturday, October 29, 2005
top ten moments in nashvegas
top 10 moments in nashville (so far).
1. spending time with jaclyn and robyn while we filled up the movie shelf with all of our movies. you should see it in all it's glory. i'll post a picture soon! i promise...because it's amazing. even the maitainance guy is jealous. he told me. 2
2. going to buy jaclyn a boxspring and mattress, then watching a guy tie it to the luggage racks on top of champ (my explorer. she deserves a name like that after the past 2 weeks!)
3. going to buy my boxspring and mattress, then watching the guy tie it to the top of champ.
4. the flea market. making two trips to the apartment because all the furniture we bought wouldn't fit inside champ...even once we tied a table to the top.
5. finding old love notes. let me tell you, they're juicy!
6. sleeping in my new bed for the first time.
7. hanging out with friends who live in the city...stephen, amy, and catherine (and i guess i'll say josh because it was fun watching him talk with his mouthful and spit chewed up pizza everywhere on three different occasions).
8. going to a concert, only to realize that i actually knew the band (guster)...and i was actually pretty excited about it after the fact.
9. seeing the city everytime i turn around. i love it. it makes me happy!
10. seeing one of the biggest bugs in the world in jaclyn's room...then trying to kill it...then killing it and being afraid to flush it. but the best part was watching the maintainance guy come and spray for bugs...even after we used an entire bottle of bug spray.
you're killin' me, bon jovi!
my problem with this concert is the fact that it costs money...and i'm broke. not a fun combination. or at least it's never really worked in my favor. but the cheap seats are $47 plus taxes and fees...they're looking close to $60. which i think would definitely be worth it if i had $60, but i don't. so it looks like it'll be another crappy valentines day in my world. i hate valentines day. grr.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
i'm alive!
i've pretty much just been taking in the city and i'm absolutely loving it. every time i'm driving and i see all the fun stuff, i just get excited. it's hard to believe that i'm really living here. it's so great! i love it.
i have actually typed some posts a few times, but my ibook power cord broke, so i can't charge it...which means i can't use it...which means i can't update. but once i get it back up and running, i'll post them.
tonight i hung out with my friend stephen. he's a lot cooler than he gives himself credit for and i think he's a pretty fun guy to hang out with. you should leave him a fun message on here in the comment section. i think it might make him smile...and he definitely needs to smile. i'm actually at his house right now using his ibook. we're trying to charge it will at least give me something to work with.
i'll update soon. possibly this weekend.
peace out!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
and i'm out...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
packing...yet again
i've had stuff in storage for over a year, so i had to go get them out of storage and start going through them. i seriously can't remember some of the stuff i have. so unpacking when i get to nashville will be interesting. i also went to see if i could find some luck. it looks like we'll be eating on the floor. yay! at least it's new carpet.
i've been so concerned with other things that it didn't really occur to me until tonight that i had to pack up the stuff in my room. so i freaked out a little. i know, i can be ridiculous. but hey, what are you gonna do?
okay, i guess i should go back a few days and update what's been going on. we got approved for the apartment yesterday...and if all goes well, jaclyn and i will be moving in on saturday. robyn will be joining us in january. i'm super excited, but i'm a little worried about the whole finding a job thing. i have one prospect right now that would be awesome if it worked out...but i haven't heard anything yet. so i guess i'll just have to wait and see.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
unexpected encouragement, amazing friendships, and the proverbial sunrise
on monday, ryan posted on his blog about the spiritual dryspell he's been in recently. i'm seriously right there with him. over the last couple months i feel like i've retreated back to where i was last year about this time. i'm always encouraged when i talk to him and find out that we're dealing with the same things. i guess it shouldn't surprise me anymore, but it still continues to amaze me. i think most of it is so that we can be an encouragement to each other. i talked to him monday night and even though we only talked for a few minutes, it made me feel so much better. i was telling him about the upcoming move, apartment and job possibilities and i told him that it seemed like God was definitiely working and everything seemed to be timed perfectly. and then, he said "it's so encouraging to have friends like you. i'm amazed that we can't even have a conversation without talking about how great God is." it kind of caught me off guard, because i haven't exactly been relying on his faithfulness lately. i'd love to say that i have, but it'd be a lie. i've been in a hard place. and slowly, i feel myself coming out of it. but it's not been fun, and it's a place i'd never like to return to. but it was encouraging to be an encouragement, even though i felt very unworthy at the time.
i've been thinking a lot about accountability and discipleship over the past week or so. it's something that i've been craving a whole lot. i miss that so much right now. i miss just having conversations over coffee, or sitting in the big comfy chair at barb's house listening to her stories as she discipled me. it's definitely one of the main goals as i move to a new place. i don't know that i've ever longed and felt like i needed it as much as i do right now. it's a good thing...i just have to make sure that it's something i do, and not just talk about. i'm excited about moving because i know that i'll be surrounded by people who will continue to challenge me daily, yet i'll be encouraged at the same time. i really can't wait.
i was listening to this song and the lyrics hit pretty hard. it definitely sums up my life over the past few months.
Monday, October 10, 2005
movie trivia monday (#6)
so sitting on the porch in the cool morning with my favorite red western hoodie just thinking about stuff was amazing. when we got this house 3 years ago one of the things i fell in love with was the porch. it's not really that great, but it's a pretty decent size and there's 2 glider-rockers and a glider bench. so it's great to just sit there with a cup of coffee. i sat there thinking about all kinds of things, watching cars drive by, remembering conversations that have been had there, thinking about what's to soon become my reality. it was great. i still have a lot to do today that doesn't require me pondering my i'll leave you with what today holds.
so now i present...monday movie trivia.
you know the rules...and if you don't check 'em out!
1000pts for each correct answer.
movie quotes!
1. "let's make like a bread truck and haul buns ladies."
a league of their own (philip)
2. "he'd make a very handsome throw rug. and just think, whenever he gets dirty you can take him out and beat him."
the lion king (chris)
3. "you can't unscramble scrambled eggs."
meet joe black (robyn)
4. "i take the good with the bad; i can't love people in slices."
first knight (philip)
5. "i don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental- like on a breeze, but i think maybe it's both."
forrest gump (robyn)
6. " just say the word and i'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. hey. that's a pretty good idea"
it's a wonderful life (robyn)
7. "you seem jumpy _____, did you switch from mocha to crack?"
in good company (philip)
8. "sometimes the things that may or may not be true are the things a man needs to believe in the most. that people are basically good; that honor, courage, and virtue mean everything; that power and money, money and power mean nothing; that good always triumphs over evil; and i want you to remember this, that love... true love never dies. you remember that, boy. you remember that. doesn't matter if it's true or not. you see, a man should believe in those things, because those are the things worth believing in."
secondhand lions (philip)
9. "i'm allergic to chocolate."
when a man loves a woman (cynthia)
10. "as we grow older, it becomes difficult to just believe. it's not that we don't want to, but too much has happened and we can't. "
now and then (philip)
11. "oh, i'm dead. i'm so dead they're gonna have to bury me twice."
license to drive (chris)
12. " that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy, like that."
better off dead (robyn)
13. "if you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human being, you'd be a game show host."
heathers (chris)
14. "haven't you ever heard of the healing power of laughter?"
batman (phil)
15. "hasta lasagna, don't get any on ya."
mission impossible (philip)
Thursday, October 06, 2005
one small step for man (or me)
so i'm in nashville right now. i started my apartment search today and i hit 7 apartments. i'd say that's probably why i'm exhausted right now. i feel like i found some pretty good deals, but it's just a big decision to make...especially when i'm making it alone. it's definitely not something that's fun to do...definitely something not fun to do alone. today i felt very "alone." besides the fact that i was alone most of the day i just felt alone in general, alone in life. i don't know if it makes any sense at all, but that's pretty much how i felt all day. i did come across a possible job opportunity that i would absolutely love! i'm really praying that it will work out because it really would be a wonderful job.
i'm planning on getting back up and doing it all again tomorrow. it'd be great if you could keep the encouragement, words of wisdom, and prayers coming my way...because i could definitely use them right now.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
that first big step
i'm getting ready to head to nashville and look for a job and to check out some places to live. my bags are packed, i'm ready to go (you finish the song)...only thing is, i won't be leaving on a jet plane. anyway, i'm going to be kind of nomadic on my little adventure. i have plans to stay with emily tonight, after that, who knows. if you want to take me in and feed me while i'm there it would be appreciated. wish me luck.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
i hate math
andrea - 16000
chris - 15000
crystal - 11000
robyn - 10500
ryan - 6000
mike - 4000
robyn and chris get 1000 bonus points for #25
Monday, October 03, 2005
mega movie trivia (#5)
with that being said, you know how to play...if this is your first time, or if you need a refresher, check out the rules here.
all grown up...
these actors were fairly well known at one point in time, but where have they gone? some of them are still around, but some, not so much in the entertainment business.
multiple points for each picture are available for these questions. 1000pts for the name of the actor or actress. 500pts for the name of the movie or character they played (some have been in multiple movies or tv shows so this is how you can rack up some points).
1. no one got this, so i'm giving myself 500 points for it (i'm only counting his well known stuff).
the correct answer is bug hall
hercules (voice) .... little boy
the munsters' scary little christmas - eddie munster
the big green - newt shaw
the little rascals - alfalfa

andre - andrea
napoleon dynamite - andrea
when a man loves a woman - andrea
deb (napoleon dynamite) - robyn
jessica green (when a man loves a woman) - andrea
molly (corrina corrina) - andrea
enola (waterworld) - chris
veronica mars-chris
mac (veronica mars) - chris
sante fe-chris
crystal thomas (santa fe) -chris

3. keisha knight pulliam -crystal
cosby show - crystal
rudy (cosby show) - robyn
polly comin' home - andrea
the little match girl - andrea
beauty shop-chrisdarnelle (beauty shop) - chris
letrice (motives) - chris
connecticut yankee in king arthur's court-chris
karen (con. yankee) - chris
the last dragon-chris
sophie (last dragon) - chris
jerry maguire - crystal
like mike - robyn
ray (jerry maguire) - robyn
george little (stuart little) - andrea
george little (stuart little 2) - andrea ( i guess it's fair!)
murph (like mike) - andrea
the little vampire - andrea
doctor dolittle-chris
tiger (dr. doolittle) - chris
alex (meego) - chris

5. jeff cohen - big mike lewis
the goonies - big mike lewis
chunk (the goonies) - big mike lewis
ward (perfect harmony) - big mike lewis
max baxter (ask max) - big mike lewis
ask max - big mike lewis

6. henry thomas - andrea
E.T. - andrea
elliot (ET) - robyn
johnny (gangs of new york) - chrisgangs of new york - chris
suicide kings- chris
avery (suicide kings) - chris
legends of the fall- chris
sam (legends of the fall) - chris
fire in the sky-chris
greg (fire in the sky) - chris
cloak and dagger-chris
davey (cloak and dagger) - chris

the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...
these questions are about famous parents with famous children. name both the parents and the children. 1000pts for each.
* in the 1970s in two tv shows both starting with "three," he played a straight man pretending to be gay. in a new movie, perceptions, his son plays a gay man pretending to be straight.
7. name the father
john ritter - crystal
8. name the son
jason ritter - andrea
* this comedian seemed to have everything going for him. but in january 1977, following his final public appearance (at the inaugural ball for president jimmy carter), the 22-year-old called his mother, friends and manager and announced that he was committing suicide. while his manager tried to stop him, he placed a .32 caliber pistol against his head and pulled the trigger. he did not die right away, and was rushed to a hospital with a massive head wound. he was kept on life support until january 29, 1977, when his family and friends decided to let him rest in peace. he left behind a wife and infant son who shares his name. more than two decades after his death, his only son, carried on the "royal" family name and has become a star in his own right.
9. name the father
freddie prinze - ryan
10. name the son
freddie prinze jr - ryan
* this actor went to chapman university in orange county, where his father filmed that thing you do using his friends as extras (he later transferred to loyola).
11. name the father
tom hanks - crystal
12. name the son
colin hanks - andrea
* his father is a comedian, but best known in recent years for playing the character arthur spooner on king of queens. in episode "shrink wrap" (episode #4.25) the son guest-starred as his real-life father's father.
13. name the father
jerry stiller - ryan
14. name the son
ben stiller - ryan
* his father uses a stage name and is a well known "president." at the risk of appearing an outsider, this actor chose to retain the family name, hoping to avoid riding his father's coattails.
15. name the father
martin sheen - crystal
16. name the son
emilio estevez - crystal
17. this actor is the stepson of the feminist author, gloria steinem
christian bale - robyn
18. his father was famous for playing gomez on "the addams family." his mother was patty duke (or his famous brother)
sean astin (or mackenzie astin) - robyn
* her father was known for dressing in drag alongside jack lemmon in some like it hot. she made her break through in a scary movie, reprising the role 20 years later.
19. name the father
tony curtis - andrea
20. name the daugher
jamie lee curtis - ryan
* this actress considers her true "dad" to be kurt russell, her mother's longtime partner who has lived with the family since she was three.
21. name the mother
goldie hawn - crystal
22. name the daugher
kate hudson- crystal
* this actress is the third woman in history to be nominated for a best director academy award. her and her ex-husband spike jonze have both received oscar nominations for best director, having been the first married couple to do so.
23. name this actress
sophia copolla - andrea
24. name her father
francis ford copolla - andrea
25. bonus points if you can name either of her famous cousins...
nicholas cage - robyn
jason schwartzman - chris
movie images
this next section contains screencaps from various movies. name the movie for 1000pts each.
26. sisterhood of the traveling pants - andrea
27. i heart huckabees - robyn
28. runaway jury - robyn
29. almost famous - andrea
30. batman begins - robyn
31. seabiscuit - crystal
32. edward scissorhands - crystal
33. the sandlot - andrea
34. miracle - ryan
35. changing lanes - robyn
Saturday, October 01, 2005
two steps forward, one step back
there are a few things that have come into play over the last couple days...and slowly it seems like the perfect opportunity has presented itself. without going into much detail, i'll try to explain. i have a friend who got a job in nashville who is looking for a roommate. at the same time, my stepdad started encouraging to go ahead and move by saying they'd help me out. so all of this coming together i started thinking more about it. this weekend, it's been pretty much all i could think about. it seems so right. i'm absolutely miserable where i am church...nothing to do. i'm lonely, depressed, and bored. it's not been fun for me by any means. so i get excited about possibly taking a leap of faith and moving forward. it sounds so great.
i went to bed last night with my mind made up that i was going to go ahead and do it. i'm okay with falling on my face. a bruised ego is about the worst thing that could happen, and it definitely won't be the first...or last time as far as i'm concerned. so this morning, i get not one, but two phone calls for interviews. the only problem is...they're for here, not nashville. enter the one step back.
so pretty much all day i've been weighing pros and cons and thinking and thinking and then trying not to think. i don't know what's going to happen, and i definitely can't tell the future, but i'm hoping things are going to start heading in the right direction and i'll get all my ducks in a row (whatever that means).
i'm not the kind of girl to make a decision based on what other people say or think. but i do like to know what other people think about certain situations. and i love to know what the people who care about me if you love me and tell me what you think. or, you can vote!